NPK 12 +3 +7 with zeolites + iron chelate
Lawn care
Here you will find a wide range of organic-mineral and mineral slow-release fertilizers as well as three optimum seed mixtures for various applications in RSM quality. Because only an adequate supply of nutrients for your lawn will ensure a dense and strong green lawn.
“Rasafit Spezial” lawn fertilizer
NPK 11 +3 +5 (+2) with zeolites + iron chelate
“Subtilis Aktiv” lawn fertilizer
NPK 10 +4 +12 with zeolites + microorganisms, displaces moss and felt
Organic lawn fertilizer
NPK 7 +3 +13 (+2)
Long-term lawn fertilizer “Spring/Summer”
NPK 16 +4 +6 (+2) + zeolites
Lawn fertilizer “Autumn”
NPK 8 +4 +16 +zeolites +iron chelate
Lawn fertilizer “No moss please”
NK (S) fertilizer 14 +7 (+17) with iron (Fe)
Iron fertilizer, granulated
12% iron salt as iron sulphate
Weed killer + lawn fertilizer
NPK 22 +5 +5 and 2.4 D, SB ban
House & Play
RSM quality
RSM quality
Re-seeding & repair
RSM quality
Dry grassland
RSM quality
Scarifying mix
For complete lawn regeneration after scarifying and for closing gaps in the lawn.
Garden & lawn lime
83% CaCO3 + 5% MgCO3
Turf soil
Special soil for new planting & repair.
Lawn sand
A wellness treatment for the lawn.